Recently I’ve been lucky enough to be granted access to a paid porn site unlike any other porn site that I have ever encountered. Run by a sex loving woman, you can feel the welcoming nature of the content to those of us who are less into the traditional straight porn scene.
Bright Desire is a celebration of sex. It’s a deliberate attempt to show all the good stuff that we love about sex – intimacy, laughter, connection and real pleasure. It’s also about enhancing and exploring fantasy because our brains are just as important to our sex lives as our genitals. I want to making “thinking porn” – erotic material that engages your mind as well as your heart and your libido.
That quote is direct from the About page at Bright Desire, it is an admirable goal for any decent pornographer to have. All to often porn is focused solely on the money shot, that final expression of male sexuality, the cum shot. And while you will see a cum shot or two on Bright Desire, it is more about the journey to that cum shot.