It Started Against the Wall

How it started has always eluded me but the memories of last night will be burned in my brain for the rest of my life. I would never have thought a game of Dungeons and Dragons would have led to my waking up in a different bed with two people next to me.

Yesterday started off innocently enough with an invite from my friend Anna to her house with her D&D clan. They were looking for some new blood and I was keen to get out of the house and meet new people. When I arrived we headed to the lounge room to await the last arrivals, I mingled with new people feeling slightly out of place, I was the new guy in a crowd of five people that had been playing together for months. I also stuck out like a sore thumb, I towered over the others and my sheer bulk made them look like small waifs, even the sole gentleman there looked innocently feminine next to me, his long silken hair contrasting against his soft creamy skin. My first impressions of the group proved true, they all worked office jobs with little to no physically demanding outside work at all. My own career had led me to working outside and loading and unloading industrial gear had caused me to muscle up.

Continue reading “It Started Against the Wall”

Watching Her Play

I’ve been a writer of smut for a while now, its almost therapeutic for me to get my saucy ideas down on paper and I take inspiration from everywhere so when a friend of mine gave me an idea my imagination built on it and it grew and grew. Once I had finished it I showed it to my friend. Nicky is a new friend, I’ve only known her a few months, and I was as surprised as she was to discover the source for a new story coming from her. She’s fairly conservative you see. So I wrote a story, I thought it was pretty hot in a romantic kind of way and once I had finished it I sent her a copy, never expecting her to read it.

Continue reading “Watching Her Play”


“Hello?” Picking up the phone Owen answered the unknown number as he roused himself from his slumber.
“Hi, yeah, you might not remember me, it’s Nicky from school”, a feminine voice stammered out.
“Oh yeah, I remember, what’s happening?”
“Would you like to get a coffee some time, catch up on old times?” Nicky asked him.
Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he glanced at his bedside clock, it was late enough in the morning for coffee.
“Sure, I can meet you around the corner in an hour”, he replied.
“Great”, she said with flustered enthusiasm.
Hanging up the phone Owen considered this event. He hadn’t seen Nicky for years, not since shortly after high school. They’d kept in touch sporadically via social media, updating each other on life achievements, new jobs, marriages, even his own divorce but they had not seen each other for years.

Continue reading “Crush”

Making New Friends

I’d made a new friend on the internet. I had been looking for someone who was up for the occasional guys night, two or three guys, beer, snacks, and.. well… porn. You see, I’m happily married to the woman of my dreams but I am bisexual, an interesting predicament in a monogamous situation. Knowing my bi tendencies, I’d been allowed a porn buddy in the past, we would catch up occasionally, put some porn on, jerk each other off, the occasional blowjob. You know, guy stuff. But then he got a new partner and she was not keen on sharing.

Continue reading “Making New Friends”

Standing Up Meal

I’m picturing us in your room, I’m taking off your clothes, first I pull your shirt over your head, then pull your pants down, reaching around and unclasping your bra, feeling your breasts fall free against my chest. Pulling the bra free and stepping back I take in your body before dropping to my knees, hooking my fingers into your panties, sliding them all the way down your legs before running my hands back up the insides, parting them far enough for me to run my tongue along your moist slit and then using my fingers to spread your lips so that i can encircle your clit with my mouth.

Continue reading “Standing Up Meal”

Picturing You

“I’m picturing it..”

It being you playing with your dildo

“And what else?”

I am seeing you on your bed, your face flushed, your nipples hard and pointing through your nightie, pulled up the slightest amount to allow your hand access between your legs. I can just imagine how wet your lips are as they part to allow your dildo access to your tight, wet, pussy.

Continue reading “Picturing You”

Nudism Gets Naughty

I had worked with her years ago in a part time job, we’d both work the same late night shifts, the ones where it was quiet enough to have many long conversations about anything and everything. There’d been some attraction, when you spend five hours a night working side by side someone you inevitably do. We’d never acted on it though. Fast forward ten years, we’re no longer working together and we haven’t seen each other for years. Our only source of contact was the phone. Texts and the occasional phone call. I can’t remember who suggested it but when we’d run out of things to talk about, one of us suggested truth or dare. An interesting game to play via text, it was almost always truth. The questions started off tame but then they became more risque. We learned more about each other’s sexual likes and dislikes than I ever thought possible. Continue reading “Nudism Gets Naughty”


This was written in answer to a challenge. I liked the story line so I think I will get more stories out of these characters. I wanted to get something out now but the rest will have to wait.

Charles had been working in IT at the local high school for the past few months. He’d recently finished high school and had scored the job on his last days as a student when the previous IT guy quit. He was self-taught IT genius but didn’t have any of the certificates that all the big companies demanded but the high school was small and they just needed someone to keep the servers humming and the desktops working.

He had been a typical nerd in high school, not many friends in the real world but online he was a star. His coding exploits were well known. He was skinny and tall with his long, red hair often unkempt and covering his face. He was not considered physically attractive by any means. His attempt at a beard showed his young age more starkly than his recently acquired photo ID. He’d never had a girlfriend but thanks to the internet he had seen plenty of photos. Continue reading “Babydoll”

Catch A Load

I really enjoy the thought of us taking off our clothes, you sitting on my couch and me kneeling between your legs, running my hands up your thighs until I reach your thick cock and your full balls and then wrapping my fingers around your shaft and lowering my mouth onto your shiny head, licking around the tip, and then taking you deep into my mouth.

I want to be the best cock sucker that you’ve ever had. I put my hand right next to my mouth and around your shaft making my mouth feel deeper. As I move up and down my hand twists around your shaft, your hot skin slick from my saliva. Continue reading “Catch A Load”

Day Dream

My mind is wandering today, I’m bored and horny, and when I see your name pop up online, this pops into my head.

You on your hands and knees, me on my knees behind you, hands on your waist as I line the head of my cock up with your asshole. The way I’d slowly lean forward, the pressure against your ring growing until it opens to allow the entry of my purpled head. As I mount you I sink into you, my arms around your sides as I crawl over you, entering you deeply. My chest against your back as I come to rest, my balls against yours, my chin over your shoulder, my flesh against your flesh. Continue reading “Day Dream”