Beach Borne Freedom

Under the deep shade of the pandanus trees I sat, watching the waves rolling in, their constant roar drowning out my daily worries. The cool breeze was blowing onshore, the salty wind cooling my skin. I was nude and completely at one with the sea.

There were others at the beach, all in their own shady spots sheltering from the midday sun. Bodies in every wondrous shape and size. The Old man with leathery skin, the results of a few score years of bare exposure to the sun, his partner as well, though not as thick skinned showed her experience of being nude more often than clothed. Muscled men with shiny Brown skin, drenched in tanning oil as if to attract a mate, male or female I could not tell. A timid young woman, barely in her 20s walked the beach, her breasts thrust forward as if daring people to look, her first time nude perhaps judging on her pink cheeks.

There were many more men than women, I admired the guts of the few nude women, previous experience of this beach had made me feel uncomfortable and I’ve got a penis, I could not imagine how they felt. Occasionally a lecherous old man would appear on one of the many dirt paths in the dunes below, his hand on his cock, prowling the beach for women. He didn’t stay long as I stared straight at him, my displeasure at his idle masturbation writ clear upon my face.

My thoughts drifted, set free by the waves upon the sand and the wind upon my flesh. Why did we ever have to work our mundane jobs, to wear clothes, to spend almost half our days working so that for two days a week we could sit at home, exhausted but thankful we weren’t working?

My only wish was that my family could join me in this idyllic paradise, far from the stresses of our usual lives.

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